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Showing posts from May, 2021

What Does An Elder Law Attorney Do For You?

Like most things in life, elder law was born out of need. Now, it is an active legal specialty in the United States, and elder law attorneys provide legal assistance to millions of seniors across the country. According to a report from 2015, there are over 48 million people over the age of 65 in the country. This number is expected to rise to almost 100 million by 2060. Unfortunately, with age comes a host of legal issues. Although the family can offer some assistance, an elder law attorney can offer professional assistance. Elder attorneys in Hollywood can also help seniors and family caregivers explore healthcare options. An attorney can offer assistance and help you understand your current situation, what your options are and how you can solve your legal matters. Essentially, a good attorney can help you plan for the future, especially if a debilitating illness may necessitate long-term care. Elder law attorneys are officially represented by their professional organization – The ...