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How To Age Well - Parents Aging Strategy Before Medical Crisis Comes

We all age... But aging should not be something to feel bad about. Aging is not lost youth, but a new stage in our lives, a stage of more opportunities.

Aging is about living longer, but it's also about living happier, healthily, and comfortable. But how can we do it? Here's a short guide for aging better:

#1 – Watch out what you eat and drink

This may sound obvious, but you'd be surprised how many people simply ignore what they eat and drink. A healthy, balanced diet is crucial for good health. A good diet can help you feel more energetic, will prevent illness, and will help you age better. Try to have a diet low in saturated fat, but high in vegetables, whole grains, oily fish, and lots of fruit. You can eat dairy and red meat, but don't overdo it.

When it comes to liquids, stick to plain, simple water. Drink plenty of water every day to avoid dehydration, which can make you feel dizzy and confused. Coffee, tea, and fruit juice can also help you stay hydrated, but some of them have added sugar. Try to avoid sugary fizzy drinks as much as possible.

If you like alcohol, try to have at least two booze-free days per week. These days will help your liver recover from the toxic effects of alcohol. Even if you like to drink alcohol, do not exceed the recommended daily limits for alcohol consumption.

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#2 – Stay active

Daily physical activity helps you stay strong and healthy for decades. Exercise lowers the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and even some types of cancer. Physical exercise can also boost your self-esteem, give you more energy and improve your sleep.

Most guidelines recommend that older adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week. Strengthening exercises should be done twice a week. It may seem a lot, but if you divide it, it's only about 20 minutes of physical activity per day. Light running or jogging should be enough if you want to feel the benefits of daily exercise.

#3 – Look after your teeth

Make sure to brush your teeth twice a day and floss daily. Flossing helps prevent gum disease, by eliminating pieces of food and plaque between your teeth. If these pieces of food stay on your teeth for days, the risk of strokes, diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis is increased.

Try to have regular check-ups. Ask your dentist to check your teeth, dentures, bridges, or implants. Ask whether they fit properly and if the area is clean.

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#4 – Contact your doctor as often as possible

Get routine check-ups and tests at your doctor's office. Check your blood pressure and cholesterol levels at least two times per year. High readings can lead to a higher risk of stroke, heart disease, and other chronic diseases. Keep in mind that most problems can be easily reversed with proper medication.

Ask your doctor about seasonal illnesses and how to get protection against them. For instance, ask for the seasonal flu jab. It's free for people over the age of 65, and it offers excellent protection, especially if you have other chronic medical conditions.

#5 – Get a vitamin boost

Many seniors have a variety of vitamin deficiencies and don't know it. For instance, many suffer from a vitamin D deficiency, which often leads to cognitive and physical impairment. In severe situations, vitamin D efficiency has been associated with cardiovascular disease and bone problems.

Try to have a diverse, healthy diet in order to avoid vitamin deficiency. For instance, try to get in the sunshine for at least 20 minutes every day to get a vitamin D boost. Similarly, eat vegetables to get a vitamin C boost and natural oils to get vitamin E. Also, talk to your doctor to get more information about vitamin supplements. Luckily, there are many supplements on the market and most of them are really helpful.

#6 – Sleep well

Unfortunately, many adults have trouble getting up, staying asleep, and falling asleep. A poor sleep pattern is a major concern, and it can lead to anxiety, depression, and chronic exhaustion. In time, it can also lead to chronic diseases, like heart disease or diabetes.

Try to avoid insomnia by cutting down on daytime naps, going to bed at the same time each night, and establishing a bedtime routine. If it helps, try a warm drink before bedtimes, such as chamomile tea or hot milk. Obviously, don't drink coffee or soda drinks before bedtime.

#7 – Take care of your feet

Look after your feet – this is very important as you age. Apply moisturizer to rehydrate dry skin. Cut your toenails straight across as often as possible. Also, make sure your footwear fits properly and offers adequate support.

If your feet are sore, you may be tempted to stay in slippers, but try to use a pair of comfortable trainers. These are always a better option as they provide more support and are much more versatile (you can use them both inside and outside). Make sure to contact your doctor if you notice any medical issues – painful feet, feeling very cold or very hot, bunions, corns, or ingrown toenails. Without rapid treatment, these problems can evolve and may be difficult to treat.

#8 – Give up smoking

You should already know this, but let's repeat it – Smoking is very bad for your health. It's bad both for your body and your brain. Smoking is linked to a plethora of health problems, including bronchitis, lung cancer, and heart disease. Stop smoking to improve your circulation, lung capacity, and energy levels.

Are you looking for an estate planning lawyer in Dania Beach? Contact us to get the best Medicaid asset protection in Hollywood!


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